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Antiochus III’s Eastern Campaigns and Power Dynamics

Antiochus in Bactria and Beyond In the following two years, Antiochus engaged in a prolonged struggle with his Bactrian counterpart, Euthydemus I, resulting in a stalemate. The prolonged siege of Bactra, the capital, proved fruitless,...

Antiochus the Great and the Shifting Fortunes

Antiochus III’s Reversal of Fortunes Antiochus III (223-187) emerged as the sole Seleucid monarch capable of halting the kingdom’s decline. Despite his efforts to rebuild Alexander’s empire, he faced an insurmountable obstacle—the rising power of...

The Splendor of Pergamun

Champions of Hellenism Eumenes I Breaking Free and Expanding Eumenes I (263-241), the nephew and adopted son, liberated Pergamun from the Seleucid rule. Forming an alliance with Ptolemy III, he seized a piece of Seleucid territory....

Theoderic barely slapped Inportunus and Theodorus

At any rate, Theoderic barely slapped Inportunus and Theodorus on the wrists, and in 525 the two of them went on a mission from him to the court at Constantinople, side by side with...

Senate and consequently Julius Caesar

A centerpiece for the pomp of empire, it housed meetings of the senate and consequently Julius Caesar was murdered there. Renewed and glorified under Augustus, it boasted a statue of Pompey that had been...

Roman late antiquity

Many aspects of that story pull us into the world of Roman late antiquity: clashing religious practices, legal interference in religion, the brutality of the laws, and the willingness of all parties to believe...

Foltyn`s Drum part 8

Foltyn stood as if thunderstruck. All the blood receded from his face. Horror and fright were depicted in it. He stooped down to the keyhole. Within he beheld the baron wholly changed. In his...

Foltyn`s Drum part 7

Several days passed. The baroness continued enthusiastic about the delights of country life and devoted herself with great eagerness to the education of Marietta as a lady`s maid. Marietta often stood in front of...

Foltyn`s Drum part 6

“Here, dear child!” she said to her, agreeably, pointing to the floating cobweb. The girl bowed awkwardly, and for an instant under her light lashes there was a flash of dark blue as she stepped...

Foltyn`s Drum part 5

“You might better get a pug-dog, my dear!” The baroness flashed an angry glance at her husband. Her lips opened to make response to his offensive levity, but she thought better of it. She held...

Borovets Bulgaria Tours


At the Well Part 3