Private Istanbul tour Congo Diplomatic group


Guided Tour Istanbul for the Republic of Congo Diplomatic group on 11th March 2016

We started the Guided Tour Istanbul from Hippodrome. Again it`s Friday and we couldn`t go into Sultan Ahmet Mosque (Blue Mosque).  We talked a little bit outside about Blue Mosque – how beautiful it is inside, how magnificent and blue it is as well. The blue colour comes from the Iznik tiles. I hope they will come back to see it with their families.

Today a nice surprise was waiting for us in Roman Hippodrome. It was the first tulips of 2016. They are so welcome. They are like summer romance for us. Maximum we see them 2 months and the rest of the 10 months we miss them.

After Roman Hippodrome, we visited Hagia Sophia. That pretty `lady` is more than 1500 years old and still no other cathedral has been built as quickly as Hagia Sophia. Its mosaics and calligraphy are from two different religions but stay so peacefully together.

Highlight of Guided Tour Istanbul, Topkapi Place

Topkapi Palace was the highlight of our Guided Tour Istanbul. We went through all history, of course the summary, because we are talking for a period of something like 400 years.

The article above has been taken from To read more, please click on the following link guided tour Istanbul.

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