Private Balkan trip
Wake your senses up with private Balkan trip
A private Balkan trip in the Balkan countries means a good possibility to sink into the history of the region and put the pieces of the jigsaw...
The Hero part 3
“The place belongs to me,” he said simply, and offered his shoulder to support the statue. He set his teeth in fierce determination to sup-press the infernal pain.
“What are you going to do?” asked...
The Hero part 2
The people crowded from every side to see the procession. The windows clattered with every gust of wind. The interior of the temple was drowned in clouds of incense, and sounds of musical instruments...
The Hero part 1
Gabriele D`annunzio (1863-1938)
D`annunzio was born at Pescara in the Abruzzi in 1863. His first literary work was a volume of verses, published when he was only sixteen. His first novel appeared in 1889, and...
The Two Ambassadors part 4
I will tell them of the letter, and how he thinks himself highly honored by their alliance.” “That is well thought,” said the other; “and let us spur along a little, that we may...
The Two Ambassadors part 3
Upon this the bishop with great dignity approached them, and taking them by the hand, said, “You are welcome, gentlemen; what tidings of import may you bring?” Each of the am-bassadors now looked at...
The Two Ambassadors part 2
Having taken their seats at table, they luckily found the wine good; and so it was that they were more pleased with this circumstance than sorry for the mission they had forgotten. Indeed it...
The Two Ambassadors part 1
Franco Sacchetti (1335 – 1400)
Another of the Fourteenth Century writers who fell under the influence of Boccaccio is Franco Sacchetti. Sacchetti, though he was prominent in Florentine political affairs, was essentially a writer and...
The Four Friends
Jean De La Fontaine (1621-1695)
One of the great figures of the age of Louis XIV, Jean de La Fontaine was born at Chateau-Thierry in 1621. He studied at Rheims and Paris, though he returned...