Private Balkan trip
Wake your senses up with private Balkan trip
A private Balkan trip in the Balkan countries means a good possibility to sink into the history...
The Hero part 3
“The place belongs to me,” he said simply, and offered his shoulder to support the statue. He set his teeth in fierce determination to...
The Hero part 2
The people crowded from every side to see the procession. The windows clattered with every gust of wind. The interior of the temple was...
The Hero part 1
Gabriele D`annunzio (1863-1938)
D`annunzio was born at Pescara in the Abruzzi in 1863. His first literary work was a volume of verses, published when he...
The Two Ambassadors part 4
I will tell them of the letter, and how he thinks himself highly honored by their alliance.” “That is well thought,” said the other;...
The Two Ambassadors part 3
Upon this the bishop with great dignity approached them, and taking them by the hand, said, “You are welcome, gentlemen; what tidings of import...
The Two Ambassadors part 2
Having taken their seats at table, they luckily found the wine good; and so it was that they were more pleased with this circumstance...
The Two Ambassadors part 1
Franco Sacchetti (1335 – 1400)
Another of the Fourteenth Century writers who fell under the influence of Boccaccio is Franco Sacchetti. Sacchetti, though he was...
The Four Friends
Jean De La Fontaine (1621-1695)
One of the great figures of the age of Louis XIV, Jean de La Fontaine was born at Chateau-Thierry in...